Mesut Ozil Reveals Astonishing Body Transformation, Leaving Fans Awestruck and Urging the Ripped Ex-Arsenal Star to Consider Ending Retirement


The former Arsenal star has been exercising under the supervision of Alper Aksac, a personal trainer.



Although he possessed a six-pack during his playing days, Ozil was perpetually rather frail, and his physicality was one of his greatest weaknesses.

Since his retirement earlier this year, the former Germany international has been a consistent gym goer; consequently, he has gained weight.

Multiple videos have been shared by Ozil’s trainer depicting the 35-year-old diligently performing a variety of exercises, including bicep extensions and push-ups.

To develop his musculature, the former midfielder flexed his biceps on a cable machine and curled dumbbells.

In an additional Instagram post, Ozil proudly displayed his six-pack while beaming at the camera.

His fans were so taken with his metamorphosis that they advised him to reconsider his retirement.

An individual stated: “Bro needs to come out of retirement play for like three or four more years.”

Another added, “Ozil should resume playing football.”

Thirdly, “Brother is assembling his forces in preparation to return to Fener in force.” It will be somewhat similar to the previous situation. He will return to Fener at a later time.”

And yet another remarked, “The M10 is transforming into a unit!”